December 3–5, 2024
We can’t wait to see you at ISPO in Hall A3, Stand 101, this December. We’ll showcase our sustainable fibers, invite you to discover the benefits of our ISPO award-winning fiber and technology solutions, and headline a presentation on bio-derived LYCRA® EcoMade fiber, launching in 2025.
We’d love for you to join us!
The LYCRA Company wins two ISPO Textrends Awards!
We're thrilled to announce that bio-derived LYCRA® EcoMade fiber has been awarded not one but two prestigious ISPO Textrends Awards for Fall/Winter 2026/2027. A fabric won a Top 5 Award in the Fibers & Insulation category, and a pair of leggings by Brazilian brand and retailer LIVE!, were named a Selection in the Pants & Tights category. Visit us to see how this innovative fiber is poised to revolutionize the industry by making a long-lasting positive impact. Let's co-create a more sustainable future—together!
Let's co-create a more sustainable future
Steve Stewart, The LYCRA Company’s chief brand and innovation officer will be giving a presentation about being all in, together, on the journey from farm to fiber.
Don’t miss the presentation, “All In: The Power of Partnership” on December 4th at 4pm CET in the Munich Trade Fair Center, Hall A2, Green Stage (A2.626).
Track our progress and see how we’re turning ambition into impact by reading our 2023 Sustainability Update.
Take a VR trip through a cornfield
We’re all in for the planet. That’s why we’re excited to launch our bio-derived LYCRA® EcoMade fiber in 2025. At ISPO, experience a virtual-reality journey through the cornfields where some of the raw materials for our new fiber are grown. Stop by our booth to immerse yourself in the experience.
Visit our sustainability hub
Discover how corn becomes fiber by constructing the process using elements, materials, and infographics to reproduce how our bio-derived LYCRA® EcoMade fiber is produced.
Get in touch for more information on our fibers