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Choose LYCRA® EcoMade fibers

LYCRA® brand products in the EcoMade family are made with recycled resources to help address a critical need for both the industry and consumers – waste reduction.

LYCRA® EcoMade fiber

Made partly with pre-consumer spandex manufacturing waste, our first recycled LYCRA® fiber offers the same dependable performance as the original, while helping to divert waste from landfills. Explore the key features of this technology.

LYCRA® T400® EcoMade fiber

This bi-component polyester fiber provides moderate stretch and excellent shape retention. It’s made from 50% recycled PET bottles and 18% renewable plant-based materials. Discover its advantages.

Select durable products

Brands: Create garments made with quality fibers to help extend the life of clothes, keeping them in use and out of landfills. The LYCRA® brand offers several solutions designed to help build brand loyalty among your consumers:

LYCRA® XTRA LIFE fiber for long-lasting swimwear and more

LYCRA® FUSION technology for run-resistant hosiery

LYCRA® dualFX® technology for super stretch denim that holds its shape, wear after wear

LYCRA® TOUGH MAX technology for abrasion-resistant jeans

LYCRA® BLACK technology for deep rich darks and no shine

Help conserve resources

Mills: Choose LYCRA® fibers designed to help conserve water and save energy during production.

LYCRA HyFit® Type 837 fiber has fewer breaks, less waste and excellent run performance in diaper production

LYCRA® EASY SET technology to reduce heat setting temperature

Easy Scour Finishes help you conserve water during finishing

Explore Planet Agenda

Learn about our third-party certifications and the sustainability framework that touches every aspect of our business. From manufacturing excellence and product sustainability to corporate responsibility, see why you should work with The LYCRA Company.

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